Crisis Hotline: (877) 852-1523 or (606) 407-1086 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: Dial 988
Crisis Hotline: (877) 852-1523 or (606) 407-1086 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: Dial 988
Outpatient Therapy is offered at Mason, Fleming, Bracken and Lewis county offices. The types of Outpatient Therapy offered include Individual and/or Family Therapy, and services range in scope from temporary adjustment assistance to chronic mental health issues. Outpatient Therapy may include a psychiatric evaluation or psychological testing. If medication is prescribed, ongoing management of that medication is also provided by the prescribing medical staff member.
The School Based Therapy Program provides mental health and substance abuse treatment for school-aged children through the age of 21 in their local school building. Therapist works with the child or adolescent, with the larger family unit and with teachers to remedy behavior problems. The Program goal is to promote positive behaviors and academic success.
KEIS is an early intervention program for children from birth to age 3. KEIS provides evaluation and treatment for children who have developmental issues. Referrals to KEIS are accepted from parents, medical providers, human services agencies and the community. Services are provided in the child's home or a location convenient to the family.
A trained clinician works with children from birth to 6 years old. The mental health treatment utilizes play therapy and family therapy to intervene early in a child's life. The clinician provides consultation to day care staff in order to prevent unnecessary removal of a child from day care. Early Childhood Mental Health Services provides free training to the staff of area child care centers.
Our Early Childhood Consultation program provides consultation, education, coaching and training for community partners who work and intersect with women, children and families at risk for substance use and trauma. This program promotes and supports:
In our effort to provide easy access to trusted care, Comprehend provides telehealth counseling appointments. These appointments make it possible to receive care virtually from one of our trusted, highly skilled therapists.
A telehealth appointment allows you to speak to your therapist using live audio and video through a mobile phone, tablet or desktop computer that is equipped with a camera and microphone. To schedule a telehealth appointment, simply call our office, then log into Zoom to start the visit at the designated time. An email will be sent to you after setting your telehealth appointment with instructions on how to complete your virtual visit. Telehealth appointments are billed to insurance as a normal office visit. Telehealth appointments are designated for both new and current patients.
During this time of COVID-19, clients are encouraged to utilize our Telehealth Counseling services in order to limit face-to-face appointments and ensure proper social distancing for your safety and the safety of our staff.
Dinosaur School serves young people from ages 3 to 8. Dinosaur School is an evidence-based group therapy program and a substance abuse prevention program. Dinosaur School teaches young people anger management skills, conflict resolution and a range of positive pro-social behaviors.
This program is an integrated approach linking family members to a trained peer specialist who can offer advice and guidance as the family navigates through services and support.
This therapeutic support program provides trained staff members to work individually with child and adolescent consumers on skill development out in the community according to the consumer’s treatment needs. According to age and development, activities are designed to give consumers a mentor to develop needed social and coping skills to be successful, while having fun along the way.
The Kentucky Strengthening Ties and Empowering Parents (KSTEP) program is an evidence-informed program targeted at families involved in the child welfare system. KSTEP follows an in-home service model, which has proven effectiveness by eliminating barriers associated with traditional office settings. KSTEP is intended to increase case coordination services and partnerships with the family and allow for rapid access to clinical services, such as substance use treatment.
This program is an opportunity for parents where there is evidence to support that substance use issues present a very high risk of harm to their child(ren) to receive treatment and assistance in keeping their child(ren) safe and in their home.
The coordination of a variety of available community services, monitoring the services, and advocating for individuals suffering from ongoing mental health issues. Support for families may also be provided.
Foster Grandparent Program places stipend volunteers age 55 and over into Head Start and school classrooms throughout the five county areas. Foster Grandparents are role models, mentors, and friends to children with exceptional needs. The program provides a way for volunteers age 55 and over to stay active by serving children and youth in their communities.
Volunteers serve at local school system. As volunteers they:
They are trained to provide individualized, unhurried services to children who need additional assistance. There are 50 plus volunteers placed at 11 locations throughout the Buffalo Trace Region.
Comprehend has same day appointment availability in any of our outpatient offices for anyone in an emergency situation and discharging from a psychiatric hospital.
Funding is in whole or in part from Federal, CHFS, or other state funds.
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PH: 1 (606) 564-4016 | FAX: 1 (606) 564-4043 | MEDICAL RECORDS FAX 1 (606) 564-2820
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